
“When I first started playing in Borderlands, I didn’t want to join anyone else’s game.  I wanted to create my own.  It wasn’t easy.  I couldn’t find anyone to join me in my vision.  Through Borderlands, I connected with lots of people and have been able to grow far beyond what I expected.  It’s a great group.  I’ve been a member for 6 years now!   I’m so happy that I joined.” – Rich, Seiklon Axel

“Borderlands is a place where ST fans gather together to play and talk about ST and sci-fi. I made a lot of friends here and also had a chance to meet old ones that I hadn’t seen for a while.”  – Drika, S’task

“I first became exposed to PBeM back in the mid 90’s and was heavily involved in the Star Trek universe in a collection of games known as Stargame. Real Life got in the way in the mid 2000’s and I fell away from gaming for a time, but one of my fellow Stargamers stumbled into Bordlerlands in the summer of 2012 and turned me onto the group. I eased back in with one game at first, but quickly remembered how much I loved the writing and the camaraderie, and now I’m involved in several. The players are engaged and welcoming, and I can’t believe I stayed away so long.” –  RJ, XO SES S’Task

 ” Though I am currently not playing (because Real Life is a pain sometimes) I spent many happy years playing and even ran one of the sims (Starbase Phoenix) for a couple of years. A wonderful fleet, with over 20 years of RPing!   Consider joining today!” – Jonathan Isaac Moore

My story is the same as Jon’s. RL has caused me to back away, but I highly support this group and the people within it. During my time I ran one sim (Cromwell) and helped to found another.   Consider joining. If you enjoy RPing, you won’t regret it.” – Mark Vorenkamp

 “You put in a lot of creativity and dedication, you get friendship and the feeling of belonging. Star Trek Borderlands goes beyond the series and books, you as a player get to participate in a whole new story. You become part of the whole Star Trek universe. This pbem-rpg is highly recommended for any Star Trek fan that likes to write and wants to experience what it’s like to be part of the crew of a starship!” –  Raph E.